Maybe someday someone will do a study on how Anthony Bourdain single handedly popularized Vietnamese food in the American mainstream.
(Okay, that’s an exaggeration. Vietnamese food is delicious enough that it would’ve caught on its own accord, but one can’t deny Bourdain’s pop cultural capital. As a vocal fan of Vietnamese food and the host of travel shows with near cult-like followings, he’s probably facilitated the popularity of Vietnamese food more than any other celebrity. Angelina Jolie included.)
In his latest interview with HuffPo, Bourdain affirms his love of Vietnamese culture and talks about how the U.S. should be more like Vietnam. (In culinary ways of course, not the other c-word.)
Here is a tiny snippet of the interview:
Speaking of lighter cuisine, is there a country whose eating habits and cuisine that you think America can learn from?
I think Vietnam would be a really good example. To some extent, Spain. But Vietnam: It’s really tasty, flavorful, local, fresh, cheap and just incredibly delicious and with very low impact on the body.
Read the full interview here.
Here is a really fun talk he had on Joe Rogan’s podcast:
True dat! Viet food is very light in general.