Yes, really. The Vietnamese straw hat is selling for $15 online at American Apparel under “Conical Asian Hat.” For those of you not familiar with American Apparel, they are an clothing company based in LA with a decidedly “hipster” brand. They cater to the 20’s to 30’s crowd.
Forbes wrote about the new item being in American Apparel’s store. Apparently the hat has been in and out of fashion since the 1940’s. It became especially popular after World War 2 when Christian Dior introduced it in his new line.
What do you think: Great way to spread Vietnamese culture or an instance of the West exoticizing Asian culture?
The Hat: American Apparel Conical Hat
Forbes: American Apparel’s “Conical Asian Hat” — Nothing New
This is totally racist! Here’s a good link explaining why:
These hats are produced for what? 5,000-10,000 VND at the most.
Of the $15 how much actually goes back to VN?
Probably virtually nothing.
Same old story with coltan in the Congo and sapphires in Madagascar.
The people that make it or dig it up get nothing. The real money is made further up the chain…
Haha, only people who don’t associate with us Vietnamese would buy it for $15.